Welcome back to Meditative Musings!
This post was inspired by a recent Reddit post over on /r/linux. Come hear my thoughts on what I hope is the future of game development and how it all starts with open-source.
Welcome back to Meditative Musings!
This post was inspired by a recent Reddit post over on /r/linux. Come hear my thoughts on what I hope is the future of game development and how it all starts with open-source.
Welcome to the first of the on-going series that I will feature on datadrake.com!
Meditative Musings is going to be a bit of a catch-all for many of the topics I might cover that may not warrant a dedicated series of their own. But if you all like one of these posts enough, maybe a new series will come out of it as a happy accident. Either way, expect this series to be almost completely random and probably a reflection of what I am thinking about or what is going on the day that I write them. The name pretty much says it all. These posts will be “meditative” in a more philosophical sense; thought experiments based on my own experiences and interpretations of the world around me. They will also be “musings”, a double-meaning which includes things I find amusing or which inspire greater reflection. Maybe even a mix of the two. Let’s start off with a fun example